
VITAL THOUGHT is an experimental educational and consulting organization directly connecting diverse scholars from across the world with self-motivated students and forward-thinking groups without requiring affiliation with a higher education institution.

Humanities education has been strained in academia for decades, and the situation has only worsened since the pandemic. With the added crisis of distrust in journalism and media, we seek to provide reliable, well-researched, socially-relevant course content while facilitating engagement with some of the most important ideas of this complex and fraught era. We help participants sharpen their critical thinking skills, enrich their historical and global understanding, and improve their capacity to identify truth, express and develop their own ideas, and navigate our chaotic social and political worlds.

We support scholarly instructors with well-paying, low-commitment teaching opportunities that enrich their practices without interfering with their academic research and writing projects. We particularly aim to support scholars who are BIPOC, LGBTQ, women, from low-income, working class, first-gen, or immigrant backgrounds, as well those from other groups whose scholarship is generally underrepresented or under-supported in academia.

We empower participants directly through real time, 2-session workshop-style virtual seminars with PhD-trained instructors. We are now piloting 4 and 10 week courses as well. For every 3 paying participants enrolled in a course, 1 free spot opens up. Up to 3 free seats per course. We also provide workshops and consulting for private individuals, groups, and organizations.

New courses and events are being developed for 2025.
Join our mailing list to stay informed.

If you are interested in a course for your private or corporate group, consulting, or if you are interested in collaborating with VITAL THOUGHT, please contact info@vitalthought.org. We'd love to hear from you.