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Comfort TV - 1 Week

Regular price $225.00
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Mo+Thu, 6-8pm ET
1 week, March 10-13 

The everydayness of broadcast and streaming television has allowed it to serve as a medium of comfort since its inception. This course will address subgenres of television that focus on the nice and the banal, unpacking what it means for programming to comfort us, when boredom might be compelling, and how comfort TV can be both useful and troubling. Key case studies will include comfort sitcoms, cooking television, and romance reality TV.

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Instructor: Ilana Emmett earned her Ph.D. in Screen Cultures at Northwestern University and has taught at the University of Chicago and elsewhere. Her published work explores popular radio and television histories, television and disability, and sound studies. She is a part-time researcher and a full-time project manager.