Greenwashing Tech Won't Save Us - 1 Week
Tu+Fri, 9-11am ET
1 week, Feb 3+6
Tech-focused climate solutions are currently doing more harm than good. Government and corporate approaches to sustainability reproduce what Evgeny Morozov calls "techno-solutionism." They assume that tech innovation at scale can achieve the global sustainable development still eluding humanity. However, the implicit logic of perpetual growth requires indefinitely expanding extractive industrial activity, which renders techno-solutionist approaches incompatible with ecological sustainability. This course reviews the limits of techno-solutionist approaches and considers alternatives.
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Instructor: Madhuri Karak researches climate justice and digital rights, holding a Ph.D. in Cultural Anthropology from City University of New York. Her writing on indigenous data sovereignty, design thinking, and AI has appeared in Slate, Stanford Social Innovation Review, and It's Freezing in L.A.