The Sublime - 10 Weeks
Tu+Fri, 9-11am ET
10 weeks, Feb 4-Apr 18
(break March 25 + 27)
This course explores the notion of the sublime, tracing its expression through philosophy, media, and art, while examining its relevance to the climate crisis, political conflicts, and the mass media era. Participants learn to identify sublime themes like unrepresentability, institution, and cultural narrative. We sample classic texts like Kant's Observations on the Feeling of the Beautilful and the Sublime..., and contemporary texts like Nicolas Bouriaud’s Planet B: Climate Change and the New Sublime, as we examine artworks by John Martin, Ana Mendieta, Marina Abramović, Bill Viola, or Hiroshi Sugimoto.
When you purchase your course seat please submit this Enrollment Application Form. Your enrollment is not reserved unless the Application Form has been received. Thank you!
Instructor: Anitra Lourie